IPL Photofacial

IPL Photofacial

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial is a noninvasive treatment that diminishes hyperpigmentation, obscured capillaries, red spots, and rosacea. We offer the Lumecca IPL Photofacial that uses advanced technology to penetrate the pigments within the second layer of your dermis while preserving the safety of the skin’s surface. It treats skin imperfections at the root to ensure optimal resolution. Reveal a radiant, even complexion.  

The advantages of this treatment include:

Fun fact: IPL Photofacial isn’t a laser. The IPL photofacial does not use laser therapy. Lasers offer a single beam of light delivered to the skin to exfoliate and trigger the skin’s healing response. IPL uses wavelengths of light pulses specially designed to target the melanin in the skin and address particular skin conditions. 

The Treatment

Our trained experts perform the IPL Photofacial treatment in one of our luxury medical spa rooms. We’ll apply intense pulse light technology pulses to the targeted area through the Lumecca device. Most patients get mild heating sensations after the procedure, which quickly resolves in one day. We recommend using medical-grade sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. You may resume your routine a day after treatment. Most patients see results after one treatment, although the peak results appear three weeks after their third procedure. 


The treated areas include the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, or other customized areas.

The results will appear after a few weeks and continue to improve for up to five months.

The results last a few months.

Yes. You might get redness and tenderness near the treated area. These symptoms subside within a few days. 


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